CKL 發表於 14-8-2008 20:07:22

In the barabian village.
At the village centre, there is a hole which can go down to the stronghold security
pass all the levels
eventually u will reach to the bottom and find a cart.
search the cart and u will get the boot.
monsters are strong. don't wear expensive things

ps don't miss the other prizes in different lvls =)

pk1280 發表於 15-8-2008 00:49:43

係rc guild隻mini game果度有d token..得到後可以換到d裝..果d有咩用?

noobownage226 發表於 15-8-2008 00:50:16

你要set recovery quest + bank pin 先有得攞ga -.-

黑白使者 發表於 15-8-2008 11:19:39

有冇人可以話我知talisman staff既詳細資料:'(

*Ah_馳 發表於 15-8-2008 11:36:42

咩野用黎做junks 係最好?- -

willow long u 太快用哂..


tonabbcc 發表於 15-8-2008 12:41:06

有問題,我衣家轉唔到視角同用唔到’’/’’ ‘’?’’ ‘’.’’ ‘’,’’等標點 help

pk1280 發表於 15-8-2008 14:11:42

1.係fog果d rating好似話愈多就能愈增加你拎token既數量...咁呢d係點計既呢?
3.係rc guild隻mini game果度有d token..得到後可以換到d裝..果d有咩用?

kiooo 發表於 16-8-2008 11:11:32


*Ah_馳 發表於 16-8-2008 11:42:01

回復 99# 的帖子

lumbridge axe shop

use axe on bob,俾錢,就幫你修理

lex 發表於 16-8-2008 18:36:26

最新個update係唔係話wildy come back,有番pvp?
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