*Ah_馳 發表於 25-6-2010 03:39:34

[疑惑] Rock Climbing boot 事件

我在rs forum找到這thread
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I love how Mod Mark makes the claim that there were no accounts with over 1.8k climbing boots, when There have been users showing thousands of noted climbing boots on various worlds, pictures all over fansites coming from everywhere, VIDEO on YouTube showing thousands of boots (Inb4 Private server!!!), etc., etc., etc... Friend of mine alone showed me 18,573 noted Climbing boots in game.... Roughly 1 billion gold right there, created out of THIN AIR.

He lies to help calm down the people and to make people think this wasn't as serious of a problem as everyone knows it is.

Maybe if you thought about repercussions of updates, BEFORE you released them, you would be able to avoid things like this. Jagex is one of the *WORST* companies around when it comes to communicating with it player, not allowing beta tests, etc.

He also claims all Jmod accounts were looked into prior to the update to make sure nothing was leaked. BULL ****. There are numerous Jagex Moderators I know of who not only Skype with regular players, but have had actual relationships with them, or are real life friends. There's no mechanism from preventing Jmod's from simply "talking" to people by means other than RuneScape.

They also claim climbers were 75k prior to this change... Yeah, no. Do you even play your game Jagex? Pathetic. They went for 10k at MOST, Prime Time on PVP BH worlds, however, you needed JUNK or a TRADE LIMIT, which meant you either was giving them junk items, or had to wait for your limit to go up. This update literally ADDED gold, where as beforehand, it was merely TRANSFERRED.

I would say Monkeys could run this company better, but I wouldn't be surprised if Monkey's already do.

Already been users confirmation that someone's cousin works at Jagex and cashed in on this update. Nice going BP, oh I mean Jagex. ;)

*Ah_馳 發表於 25-6-2010 03:48:01

本帖最後由 *Ah_馳 於 25-6-2010 05:51 編輯

為什麼只有climbing boot adust price?
rune boot 值88k ,比climbing boots強
可是rune boot high alch price只是7.5k
點解要調climbing boots到high alch price 45k?

陰謀論d, mod mark 很有可能係幫real world friends 搵錢
high alch 45k 是多餘的
宜家講到明唔會roll back
等待擁有數十k climbing boots的人賣哂先
再下調high alch price (eg. 5k)

以示不滿,我已經取消了rs membership

Clmak814 發表於 25-6-2010 04:17:07

為什麼只有climbing boot adust price?
rune boot 值88k ,比climbing boots強
可是 ...
*Ah_馳 發表於 25-6-2010 03:48 http://www1.nakuz.com/bbs/images/common/back.gif


*Ah_馳 發表於 25-6-2010 05:50:25

樓上的回覆 ^_^ ?! WTH

"why didn't they fix it like they did with d scim? just put a shop in varrock! honestly; no need to skyrocket the price so much "
點解JAGEX處理d scimmy 同c boot手法相差咁遠 ?


access321 發表於 25-6-2010 07:32:24

300k c boot天理何在?
有d想quit rs,
d update愈尼愈離譜XX(

燎原火 發表於 25-6-2010 10:45:36

以示不滿,我已經打消了rs membership 念頭.

Megarunes 發表於 25-6-2010 11:26:35

本帖最後由 Megarunes 於 25-6-2010 11:28 編輯

佢地好on9 lor, 真係好想返2005既rs

sp_wong 發表於 25-6-2010 12:14:56

I would say Monkeys could run this company better, but I wouldn't be surprised if Monkey's already do. <-- love this sentence and can't agree more

我地要搵下 d player mod(sweet life) 出黎 explain 下la =p
有咩唔啱就當 p mod 係jagex咁罵 xd

MU7C_Ronaldo 發表於 25-6-2010 12:42:50

本帖最後由 MU7C_Ronaldo 於 25-6-2010 12:48 編輯

pmod 對呢D一無所知架播(BEFORE THE UPDATE)

其實佢地如果冇將現有既boots變成 rock climbing boots 就乜事都冇

Runescape update 成日都失敗既原因就係冇用玩家既心態去捻, O個幅330k係假既, 不過有好多人都有1k pairs 以上

Clmak814 發表於 25-6-2010 13:11:39

D PKER都有幾千對啦!
頂佢 我都唔想玩
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