a7q6vdyy 發表於 2-10-2010 21:29:44

新人第一次打dragon slayer

本帖最後由 a7q6vdyy 於 8-10-2010 15:41 編輯


全套rune+ rune scimitar
20 swordfish

a7q6vdyy 發表於 2-10-2010 22:14:48

另外Swept Away (大掃除)呢個QUEST...只係得1pt


但係呢個網寫有2分, 係唔係要改改佢

a7q6vdyy 發表於 2-10-2010 22:20:21

肯定係1分, 我岩岩先做完個任..

lckj 發表於 3-10-2010 00:12:13

之前jagex搞過d f2p quests
所以如果你之前做過d cancelled既quests   quest points就會有分別

a7q6vdyy 發表於 3-10-2010 00:19:02

dragon slayer, ATT +STR+DEF要幾多先打得羸?

hihe15 發表於 3-10-2010 01:05:32

actually.......1 if you are p2p and have friends helping you. but normally,you can win with some help and a reasonable aggressive power of 45+ atk and str. also,43lv prayer can omitt the need of defence.

bluewinger 發表於 3-10-2010 07:24:34

dragon slayer, ATT +STR+DEF要幾多先打得羸?
a7q6vdyy 發表於 3-10-2010 00:19 http://www4.nakuz.com/bbs/images/common/back.gif

Att 40+
Str 40+
Def 40+

Att 45+
Str 50+
Def 40+

Hk_Alexander 發表於 4-10-2010 18:34:33

dragon slayer, ATT +STR+DEF要幾多先打得羸?
a7q6vdyy 發表於 2-10-2010 21:29 http://www3.nakuz.com/bbs/images/common/back.gif
如果你經驗夠火候既話 , 唔洗 43 lv prayer 都可以解決佢。

但冇 43 lv prayer 就一定要用 Magic 先可以 ko 佢, ( 你玩野用 Bronze crossbow 都得既...但死左就唔關我地事了.. )
如果你有 Friend , 可以叫 friend 做你 food bag 幫你拖 if they're free.

燎原火 發表於 8-10-2010 22:02:20

如果你有 Friend , 可以叫 friend 做你 food bag 幫你拖 if they're free.

不要麻煩朋友啦~ !!!

aclet0821 發表於 12-10-2010 10:22:52

lol.. i rmb bon ko that drag on his pure....
took him a whole hour plus 3 frds to be his food bag...
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